Logo of sts lighting services, inc. featuring a stylized 'sts' within an oval and a waveform design.

Audit to Proposal Process

This timeline is going to be completed in 5-10 Business Days


Audit Request

STS receives project details and provides audit date within 48 hrs

Commence Audit

Account Manager to perform audit at scheduled time agreed to by the client.



A1 and Snapcount

Operations and Account manager input all pertinent information. Sent to Project Manager who will review and approve material and labor.

Meeting for Proposal

Meet with Partner to review project details.



Revisions - If Needed

Making any revisions discussed with partner pending final submission.

Final Proposal

Meeting with Account, Project, and Operations Manager and Client contact.


Audit to Proposal Process

This timeline is going to be completed in 5-10 Business Days


Audit Request

STS receives project details and provides audit date within 48 hrs


Commence Audit

Account Manager to perform audit at scheduled time agreed to by the client.


A1 and Snapcount

Operations and Account manager input all pertinent information. Sent to Project Manager who will review and approve material and labor.


Meeting for Proposal

Meet with Partner to review project details.


Revisions – If Needed

Making any revisions discussed with partner pending final submission.


Final Proposal

Meeting with Account, Project, and Operations Manager and Client contact.

Awarded Pre-Construction Process

STS Lighting will be providing weekly installation reports as well as 30-day forecasts with supporting documents and Gantt charts provided from the field.


Pre-construction Meeting

To review timetables, installation schedule and milestones with Partner, Account and Project Manager and the client.

Commence Construction/Installation



Installation Completion Reporting

Weekly reports provided by our Project Manager as well as forecasting reports.

Milestone Achievements

Once a milestone is completed, an invoice will be submitted for percentage of completion with on-site signatures for confirmation.



Final Walk - Upon Completion

Account and Operations Manager will perform a final walk with the client. When completed the final invoice will be provided to Partner.

Warranty and Service Contract Begin

5-year service and warranty contract will take effect. Appropriate documentation will be provided to the client.


Awarded Pre-Construction Process

STS Lighting will be providing weekly installation reports as well as 30-day forecasts with supporting documents and Gantt charts provided from the field.


Pre-construction Meeting

To review timetables, installation schedule and milestones with Partner, Account and Project Manager and the client.


Commence Construction/Installation


Installation Completion Reporting

Weekly reports provided by our Project Manager as well as forecasting reports.


Milestone Achievements

Once a milestone is completed, an invoice will be submitted for percentage of completion with on-site signatures for confirmation.


Final Walk – Upon Completion

Account and Operations Manager will perform a final walk with the client. When completed the final invoice will be provided to Partner.


Warranty and Service Contract Begin

5-year service and warranty contract will take effect. Appropriate documentation will be provided to the client.

Service Contract Information

This document will be completed for each project and provided and signed by its corresponding on-site contact.


Quantity of Fixtures

This document will provide the number of fixtures installed on site as well as the fixtures that fall under the service contract.

Process to Perform a Service Call

We will provide a step-by-step process on how to schedule a service call. All service calls reported will be scheduled within 72 hours VIA the provided paperwork.



Warranty and Labor being provided

Our service contact will provide detailed information on which fixtures will require labor provided by STS Lighting Services Inc.


Signatures provided by our On-site contact, Partner Rep as well as Account Manager will be provided on this document.


Service Contract Information

This document will be completed for each project and provided and signed by its corresponding on-site contact.


Quantity of Fixtures

This document will provide the number of fixtures installed on site as well as the fixtures that fall under the service contract.


Process to Perform a Service Call

We will provide a step-by-step process on how to schedule a service call.
All service calls reported will be scheduled within 72 hours VIA the provided paperwork.


Warranty and Labor being provided

Our service contact will provide detailed information on which fixtures will require labor provided by STS Lighting Services Inc.



Signatures provided by our On-site contact, Partner Rep as well as Account Manager will be provided on this document.